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NFT Catalog

The NFT Catalog is an on chain registry listing NFT collections that exists on Flow which adhere to the NFT metadata standard. This empowers dApp developers to easily build on top of and discover interoperable NFT collections on Flow.

Live Site

Checkout the catalog site to submit your NFT collection both on testnet and mainnet.

Contract Addresses

NFTCatalog.cdc: This contract contains the NFT Catalog


NFTRetrieval.cdc: This contract contains helper functions to make it easier to discover NFTs within accounts and from the catalog


Submitting a Collection to the NFT Catalog

  1. Visit here
  2. Enter the address containing the NFT contract which contains the collection and select the contract.
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  1. Enter the storage path where the NFTs are stored and enter an address that holds a sample NFT or log in if you have access to an account that owns the NFT.

    Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 9 42 54 AM
  2. The application will verify that your NFT collection implements the required Metadata views.

    1. The required metadata views include…
      1. NFT Display
        1. How to display an individual NFT part of the collection
      2. External URL
        1. A website for the NFT collection
      3. Collection Data
        1. Information needed to store and retrieve an NFT
      4. Collection Display
        1. How to display information about the NFT collection the NFT belongs to
      5. Royalties
        1. Any royalties that should be accounted for during marketplace transactions
    2. You can find sample implementations of all these views in this example NFT contract.
    3. If you are not implementing a view, the app will communicate this and you can update your NFT contract and try resubmitting.
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  3. Submit proposal transaction to the NFT catalog by entering a unique url safe identifier for the collection and a message including any additional context (like contact information).

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  1. Once submitted you can view all proposals here to track the review of your NFT.

If you would like to make a proposal manually, you may submit the following transaction with all parameters filled in:

Proposals should be reviewed and approved within a few days. Reasons for a proposal being rejected may include:

  • Providing duplicate path or name information of an existing collection on the catalog
  • Providing a not url safe or inaccurate name as the identifier

Using the Catalog (For marketplaces and other NFT applications)

All of the below examples use the catalog in mainnet, you may replace the imports to the testnet address when using the testnet network.

Example 1 - Retrieve all NFT collections on the catalog

import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
The catalog is returned as a `String: NFTCatalogMetadata`
The key string is intended to be a unique identifier for a specific collection.
The NFTCatalogMetadata contains collection-level views corresponding to each
collection identifier.
access(all) fun main(): {String : NFTCatalog.NFTCatalogMetadata} {
return NFTCatalog.getCatalog()

Example 2 - Retrieve all collection names in the catalog

import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) fun main(): [String] {
let catalog: {String : NFTCatalog.NFTCatalogMetadata} = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let catalogNames: [String] = []
for collectionIdentifier in catalog.keys {
return catalogNames

Example 3 - Retrieve NFT collections and counts owned by an account

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) fun main(ownerAddress: Address) : {String : Number} {
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let account = getAuthAccount(ownerAddress)
let items : {String : Number} = {}
for key in catalog.keys {
let value = catalog[key]!
let tempPathStr = "catalog".concat(key)
let tempPublicPath = PublicPath(identifier: tempPathStr)!
target: value.collectionData.storagePath
let collectionCap = account.getCapability<&AnyResource{MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(tempPublicPath)
if !collectionCap.check() {
let count = NFTRetrieval.getNFTCountFromCap(collectionIdentifier : key, collectionCap : collectionCap)
if count != 0 {
items[key] = count
return items

Sample Response...

"schmoes_prelaunch_token": 1

Example 4 - Retrieve all NFTs including metadata owned by an account

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) struct NFT {
access(all) let id : UInt64
access(all) let name : String
access(all) let description : String
access(all) let thumbnail : String
access(all) let externalURL : String
access(all) let storagePath : StoragePath
access(all) let publicPath : PublicPath
access(all) let privatePath: PrivatePath
access(all) let publicLinkedType: Type
access(all) let privateLinkedType: Type
access(all) let collectionName : String
access(all) let collectionDescription: String
access(all) let collectionSquareImage : String
access(all) let collectionBannerImage : String
access(all) let royalties: [MetadataViews.Royalty]
id: UInt64,
name : String,
description : String,
thumbnail : String,
externalURL : String,
storagePath : StoragePath,
publicPath : PublicPath,
privatePath : PrivatePath,
publicLinkedType : Type,
privateLinkedType : Type,
collectionIdentifier: String,
collectionName : String,
collectionDescription : String,
collectionSquareImage : String,
collectionBannerImage : String,
royalties : [MetadataViews.Royalty]
) {
_116 = id
_116 = name
self.description = description
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.externalURL = externalURL
self.storagePath = storagePath
self.publicPath = publicPath
self.privatePath = privatePath
self.publicLinkedType = publicLinkedType
self.privateLinkedType = privateLinkedType
self.collectionIdentifier = collectionIdentifier
self.collectionName = collectionName
self.collectionDescription = collectionDescription
self.collectionSquareImage = collectionSquareImage
self.collectionBannerImage = collectionBannerImage
self.royalties = royalties
access(all) fun main(ownerAddress: Address) : { String : [NFT] } {
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let account = getAuthAccount(ownerAddress)
let items : [NFTRetrieval.BaseNFTViewsV1] = []
let data : {String : [NFT] } = {}
for key in catalog.keys {
let value = catalog[key]!
let tempPathStr = "catalog".concat(key)
let tempPublicPath = PublicPath(identifier: tempPathStr)!
target: value.collectionData.storagePath
let collectionCap = account.getCapability<&AnyResource{MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(tempPublicPath)
if !collectionCap.check() {
let views = NFTRetrieval.getNFTViewsFromCap(collectionIdentifier : key, collectionCap : collectionCap)
let items : [NFT] = []
for view in views {
let displayView = view.display
let externalURLView = view.externalURL
let collectionDataView = view.collectionData
let collectionDisplayView = view.collectionDisplay
let royaltyView = view.royalties
if (displayView == nil || externalURLView == nil || collectionDataView == nil || collectionDisplayView == nil || royaltyView == nil) {
// This NFT does not have the proper views implemented. Skipping....
name : displayView!.name,
description : displayView!.description,
thumbnail : displayView!.thumbnail.uri(),
externalURL : externalURLView!.url,
storagePath : collectionDataView!.storagePath,
publicPath : collectionDataView!.publicPath,
privatePath : collectionDataView!.providerPath,
publicLinkedType : collectionDataView!.publicLinkedType,
privateLinkedType : collectionDataView!.providerLinkedType,
collectionIdentifier: key,
collectionName : collectionDisplayView!.name,
collectionDescription : collectionDisplayView!.description,
collectionSquareImage : collectionDisplayView!.squareImage.file.uri(),
collectionBannerImage : collectionDisplayView!.bannerImage.file.uri(),
royalties : royaltyView!.getRoyalties()
data[key] = items
return data

Sample Response...

"FlovatarComponent": [],
"schmoes_prelaunch_token": [
id: 1006,
name: "Schmoes Pre Launch Token #1006",
description: "",
thumbnail: "",
externalURL: "",
storagePath: /storage/SchmoesPreLaunchTokenCollection,
publicPath: /public/SchmoesPreLaunchTokenCollection,
privatePath: /private/SchmoesPreLaunchTokenCollection,
publicLinkedType: Type<&A.6c4fe48768523577.SchmoesPreLaunchToken.Collection{A.1d7e57aa55817448.NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic,A. 1d7e57aa55817448.NonFungibleToken.Receiver,A.1d7e57aa55817448.MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(),
privateLinkedType: Type<&A.6c4fe48768523577.SchmoesPreLaunchToken.Collection{A.1d7e57aa55817448.NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic,A.1d7e57aa55817448.NonFungibleToken.Provider,A.1d7e57aa55817448.MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(),
collectionName: "Schmoes Pre Launch Token",
collectionDescription: "",
collectionSquareImage: "",
collectionBannerImage: "",
royalties: []
"Flovatar": []

Example 5 - Retrieve all NFTs including metadata owned by an account for large wallets

For Wallets that have a lot of NFTs you may run into memory issues. The common pattern to get around this for now is to retrieve just the ID's in a wallet by calling the following script

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) fun main(ownerAddress: Address) : {String : [UInt64]} {
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let account = getAuthAccount(ownerAddress)
let items : {String : [UInt64]} = {}
for key in catalog.keys {
let value = catalog[key]!
let tempPathStr = "catalogIDs".concat(key)
let tempPublicPath = PublicPath(identifier: tempPathStr)!
target: value.collectionData.storagePath
let collectionCap = account.getCapability<&AnyResource{MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(tempPublicPath)
if !collectionCap.check() {
let ids = NFTRetrieval.getNFTIDsFromCap(collectionIdentifier : key, collectionCap : collectionCap)
if ids.length > 0 {
items[key] = ids
return items

and then use the ids to retrieve the full metadata for only those ids by calling the following script and passing in a map of collectlionIdentifer -> [ids]

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) struct NFT {
access(all) let id : UInt64
access(all) let name : String
access(all) let description : String
access(all) let thumbnail : String
access(all) let externalURL : String
access(all) let storagePath : StoragePath
access(all) let publicPath : PublicPath
access(all) let privatePath: PrivatePath
access(all) let publicLinkedType: Type
access(all) let privateLinkedType: Type
access(all) let collectionName : String
access(all) let collectionDescription: String
access(all) let collectionSquareImage : String
access(all) let collectionBannerImage : String
access(all) let royalties: [MetadataViews.Royalty]
id: UInt64,
name : String,
description : String,
thumbnail : String,
externalURL : String,
storagePath : StoragePath,
publicPath : PublicPath,
privatePath : PrivatePath,
publicLinkedType : Type,
privateLinkedType : Type,
collectionName : String,
collectionDescription : String,
collectionSquareImage : String,
collectionBannerImage : String,
royalties : [MetadataViews.Royalty]
) {
_120 = id
_120 = name
self.description = description
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.externalURL = externalURL
self.storagePath = storagePath
self.publicPath = publicPath
self.privatePath = privatePath
self.publicLinkedType = publicLinkedType
self.privateLinkedType = privateLinkedType
self.collectionName = collectionName
self.collectionDescription = collectionDescription
self.collectionSquareImage = collectionSquareImage
self.collectionBannerImage = collectionBannerImage
self.royalties = royalties
access(all) fun main(ownerAddress: Address, collections: {String : [UInt64]}) : {String : [NFT] } {
let data : {String : [NFT] } = {}
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let account = getAuthAccount(ownerAddress)
for collectionIdentifier in collections.keys {
if catalog.containsKey(collectionIdentifier) {
let value = catalog[collectionIdentifier]!
let tempPathStr = "catalog".concat(collectionIdentifier)
let tempPublicPath = PublicPath(identifier: tempPathStr)!
target: value.collectionData.storagePath
let collectionCap = account.getCapability<&AnyResource{MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(tempPublicPath)
if !collectionCap.check() {
return data
let views = NFTRetrieval.getNFTViewsFromIDs(collectionIdentifier : collectionIdentifier, ids: collections[collectionIdentifier]!, collectionCap : collectionCap)
let items : [NFT] = []
for view in views {
let displayView = view.display
let externalURLView = view.externalURL
let collectionDataView = view.collectionData
let collectionDisplayView = view.collectionDisplay
let royaltyView = view.royalties
if (displayView == nil || externalURLView == nil || collectionDataView == nil || collectionDisplayView == nil || royaltyView == nil) {
// Bad NFT. Skipping....
name : displayView!.name,
description : displayView!.description,
thumbnail : displayView!.thumbnail.uri(),
externalURL : externalURLView!.url,
storagePath : collectionDataView!.storagePath,
publicPath : collectionDataView!.publicPath,
privatePath : collectionDataView!.providerPath,
publicLinkedType : collectionDataView!.publicLinkedType,
privateLinkedType : collectionDataView!.providerLinkedType,
collectionName : collectionDisplayView!.name,
collectionDescription : collectionDisplayView!.description,
collectionSquareImage : collectionDisplayView!.squareImage.file.uri(),
collectionBannerImage : collectionDisplayView!.bannerImage.file.uri(),
royalties : royaltyView!.getRoyalties()
data[collectionIdentifier] = items
return data

Example 6 - Retrieve all MetadataViews for NFTs in a wallet

If you're looking for some MetadataViews that aren't in the core view list you can leverage this script to grab all the views each NFT supports. Note: You lose some typing here but get more data.

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) struct NFTCollectionData {
access(all) let storagePath : StoragePath
access(all) let publicPath : PublicPath
access(all) let privatePath: PrivatePath
access(all) let publicLinkedType: Type
access(all) let privateLinkedType: Type
storagePath : StoragePath,
publicPath : PublicPath,
privatePath : PrivatePath,
publicLinkedType : Type,
privateLinkedType : Type,
) {
self.storagePath = storagePath
self.publicPath = publicPath
self.privatePath = privatePath
self.publicLinkedType = publicLinkedType
self.privateLinkedType = privateLinkedType
access(all) fun main(ownerAddress: Address) : { String : {String : AnyStruct} } {
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
let account = getAuthAccount(ownerAddress)
let items : [MetadataViews.NFTView] = []
let data : { String : {String : AnyStruct} } = {}
for key in catalog.keys {
let value = catalog[key]!
let tempPathStr = "catalog".concat(key)
let tempPublicPath = PublicPath(identifier: tempPathStr)!
target: value.collectionData.storagePath
let collectionCap = account.getCapability<&AnyResource{MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(tempPublicPath)
if !collectionCap.check() {
var views = NFTRetrieval.getAllMetadataViewsFromCap(collectionIdentifier : key, collectionCap : collectionCap)
if views.keys.length == 0 {
// Cadence doesn't support function return types, lets manually get rid of it
let nftCollectionDisplayView = views[Type<MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData>().identifier] as! MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData?
let collectionDataView = NFTCollectionData(
storagePath : nftCollectionDisplayView!.storagePath,
publicPath : nftCollectionDisplayView!.publicPath,
privatePath : nftCollectionDisplayView!.providerPath,
publicLinkedType : nftCollectionDisplayView!.publicLinkedType,
privateLinkedType : nftCollectionDisplayView!.providerLinkedType,
views.insert(key: Type<MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData>().identifier, collectionDataView)
data[key] = views
return data

Example 7 - Setup a user’s account to receive a specific collection

  1. Run the following script to retrieve some collection-level information for an NFT collection identifier from the catalog

import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import NFTCatalog from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
import NFTRetrieval from 0x49a7cda3a1eecc29
access(all) struct NFTCollection {
access(all) let storagePath : StoragePath
access(all) let publicPath : PublicPath
access(all) let privatePath: PrivatePath
access(all) let publicLinkedType: Type
access(all) let privateLinkedType: Type
access(all) let collectionName : String
access(all) let collectionDescription: String
access(all) let collectionSquareImage : String
access(all) let collectionBannerImage : String
storagePath : StoragePath,
publicPath : PublicPath,
privatePath : PrivatePath,
publicLinkedType : Type,
privateLinkedType : Type,
collectionName : String,
collectionDescription : String,
collectionSquareImage : String,
collectionBannerImage : String
) {
self.storagePath = storagePath
self.publicPath = publicPath
self.privatePath = privatePath
self.publicLinkedType = publicLinkedType
self.privateLinkedType = privateLinkedType
self.collectionName = collectionName
self.collectionDescription = collectionDescription
self.collectionSquareImage = collectionSquareImage
self.collectionBannerImage = collectionBannerImage
access(all) fun main(collectionIdentifier : String) : NFT? {
let catalog = NFTCatalog.getCatalog()
assert(catalog.containsKey(collectionIdentifier), message: "Invalid Collection")
return NFTCollection(
storagePath : collectionDataView!.storagePath,
publicPath : collectionDataView!.publicPath,
privatePath : collectionDataView!.providerPath,
publicLinkedType : collectionDataView!.publicLinkedType,
privateLinkedType : collectionDataView!.providerLinkedType,
collectionName : collectionDisplayView!.name,
collectionDescription : collectionDisplayView!.description,
collectionSquareImage : collectionDisplayView!.squareImage.file.uri(),
collectionBannerImage : collectionDisplayView!.bannerImage.file.uri()
panic("Invalid Token ID")

  1. This script result can then be used to form a transaction by inserting the relevant variables from above into a transaction template like the following:

import NonFungibleToken from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
transaction {
prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {
// Create a new empty collection
let collection <- {CONTRACT_NAME}.createEmptyCollection()
// save it to the account
_26<-collection, to: {STORAGE_PATH})
// create a public capability for the collection
target: {STORAGE_PATH}
// create a private capability for the collection
target: {STORAGE_PATH}

Developer Usage

1. Install the Flow CLI

2. Install Node

3. Clone the project

git clone --depth=1

4. Install packages

  • Run npm install in the root of the project

5. Run Test Suite

  • Run npm test in the root of the project

Cadence Generation

Using the NFT Catalog, you can generate common scripts and transactions to be run against the Flow Blockchain to support your application.

Generate from Javascript


npm install @onflow/fcl
npm install flow-catalog


yarn add @onflow/fcl
yarn add flow-catalog


1. Retrieve a list of transactions available for code generation: NOTE: In order to properly bootstrap the method, you will need to run and await on the getAddressMaps() method, passing it into all of the methods as shown below.

import { getAddressMaps, scripts } from "flow-catalog";
import * as fcl from "@onflow/fcl"
const main = async () => {
const addressMap = await getAddressMaps();
console.log(await scripts.getSupportedGeneratedTransactions(addressMap));

2. Provide a Catalog collection identifier to generate code

const getTemplatedTransactionCode = async function() {
const catalogAddressMap = await getAddressMaps()
const result = await cadence.scripts.genTx({
'CollectionInitialization' is one of the available transactions from step 1.
'Flunks' is the collection identifier in this case
'Flow' is a fungible token identifier (if applicable to the transaction being used)
args: ['CollectionInitialization', 'Flunks', 'flow'],
addressMap: catalogAddressMap
return result

3. Use the generated code in a transaction

const txId = await fcl.mutate({
cadence: await getTemplatedTransactionCode()[0],
limit: 9999,
args: (arg: any, t: any) => []
const transaction = await fcl.tx(txId).onceSealed()
return transaction

Generate from non-Javascript environments

Cadence scripts and transactions can be generated directly on-chain via scripts. You will need to be able to run cadence scripts to continue.

1. Retrieve a list of transactions available for code generation

Run the following script to retrieve available code generation methods:

2. Provide a catalog collection identifier to generate code

You may use the following script to generate code:

For example, from the CLI this may be run like the following: flow -n mainnet scripts execute ./get_tx.cdc CollectionInitialization Flunks flow

In the above example, CollectionInitialization is one of the supported transactions returned from step 1, Flunks is the name of an entry on the catalog (, and flow is a fungible token identifier.

NPM Module

We exposed an interface to the catalog via a consumable NPM module. This library will expose a number of methods that can be called to interact with the catalog.


Method signatures and their associating parameters/responses can be found in the cadence/ folder of this repo.






npm install flow-catalog


yarn add flow-catalog


Methods can be imported as follows, all nested methods live under the scripts or transactions variable.

NOTE: In order to properly bootstrap the method, you will need to run and await on the getAddressMaps() method, passing it into all of the methods as shown below.

import { getAddressMaps, scripts } from "flow-catalog";
const main = async () => {
const addressMap = await getAddressMaps();
console.log(await scripts.getNftCatalog(addressMap));

The response of any method is a tuple-array, with the first element being the result, and the second being the error (if applicable).

For example, the result of the method above would look like -

BILPlayerCollection: {
contractName: 'Player',
contractAddress: '0x9e6cdb88e34fa1f3',
nftType: [Object],
collectionData: [Object],
collectionDisplay: [Object]
SoulMadeComponent: {
contractName: 'SoulMadeComponent',
contractAddress: '0x421c19b7dc122357',
nftType: [Object],
collectionData: [Object],
collectionDisplay: [Object]


The works in these files:

are under the Unlicense.