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The FlowIDTableStaking contract is the central table that manages staked nodes, delegation and rewards.

Source: FlowIDTableStaking.cdc

NetworkContract Address
Cadence Testing Framework0x0000000000000001

Transactions and Scripts

Transactions for the staking contract are in the flow-core-contracts repo. Developers and users are advised to use the staking collection transactions to stake tokens instead of the basic transactions that are used for tests.

Getting Staking Info with Scripts

These scripts are read-only and get info about the current state of the staking contract.

SC.01Get Delegation Cut PercentageidTableStaking/get_cut_percentage.cdc
SC.02Get Minimum Stake RequirementsidTableStaking/get_stake_requirements.cdc
SC.03Get Total Weekly Reward PayoutidTableStaking/get_weekly_payout.cdc
SC.04Get Current Staked Node TableidTableStaking/get_current_table.cdc
SC.05Get Proposed Staked Node TableidTableStaking/get_proposed_table.cdc
SC.06Get Total Flow StakedidTableStaking/get_total_staked.cdc
SC.07Get Total Flow Staked by Node TypeidTableStaking/get_total_staked_by_type.cdc
SC.08Get All Info about a single NodeIDidTableStaking/get_node_info.cdc
SC.09Get a node's total Commitment (delegators)idTableStaking/get_node_total_commitment.cdc
SC.10Get All Info about a single DelegatoridTableStaking/delegation/get_delegator_info.cdc
SC.11Get a node's total CommitmentidTableStaking/get_node_total_commitment_without_delegators.cdc

Delegator Transactions

Documentation for delegating with tokens is described in the staking documentation for the staking collection


The FlowIDTableStaking contract emits an event whenever an important action occurs. See the staking events Documentation for more information about each event.

/// Epoch
access(all) event NewEpoch(
totalStaked: UFix64,
totalRewardPayout: UFix64,
newEpochCounter: UInt64
access(all) event EpochTotalRewardsPaid(
total: UFix64,
fromFees: UFix64,
minted: UFix64,
feesBurned: UFix64,
epochCounterForRewards: UInt64
/// Node
access(all) event NewNodeCreated(nodeID: String, role: UInt8, amountCommitted: UFix64)
access(all) event TokensCommitted(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event TokensStaked(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event NodeTokensRequestedToUnstake(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event TokensUnstaking(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event TokensUnstaked(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event NodeRemovedAndRefunded(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event RewardsPaid(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64, epochCounter: UInt64)
access(all) event UnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event RewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event NetworkingAddressUpdated(nodeID: String, newAddress: String)
access(all) event NodeWeightChanged(nodeID: String, newWeight: UInt64)
/// Delegator
access(all) event NewDelegatorCreated(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32)
access(all) event DelegatorTokensCommitted(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorTokensStaked(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorTokensRequestedToUnstake(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorTokensUnstaking(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorTokensUnstaked(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorRewardsPaid(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64, epochCounter: UInt64)
access(all) event DelegatorUnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
access(all) event DelegatorRewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
/// Contract Fields
access(all) event NewDelegatorCutPercentage(newCutPercentage: UFix64)
access(all) event NewWeeklyPayout(newPayout: UFix64)
access(all) event NewStakingMinimums(newMinimums: {UInt8: UFix64})
access(all) event NewDelegatorStakingMinimum(newMinimum: UFix64)